Peter: Alright, so Deuteronomy 34. Moses died at the top of Mount Nebo and God buried him.
Lois: Well, that's a bummer. Kinda like when I found out that the final season of Game of Thrones was gonna be so disappointing.
Stewie: Yeah, like when the final episode of Breaking Bad was so anti-climatic.
Brian: Ugh, yeah. Anyway, so after Moses dies, Joshua is chosen to replace him as leader of the Israelites.
Lois: Oh, like when Robert Downey Jr. took over for Tom Cruise in the Mission Impossible franchise.
Peter: And then God shows Moses the Promised Land, but he never gets to set foot in it. Like when I saw a commercial for a new roller coaster and I couldn't go on it.
Brian: Yeah, that's rough. But then God blesses Joshua and tells him to take the Israelites into the Promised Land.
Lois: Like a new season of The Bachelor!
Stewie: Yeah, where the contestants have to pick their way through a maze of roses and heartache.
Peter: But then God says that no one will be able to stand up to Joshua, so he'll be able to lead the Israelites to victory. Kinda like when Thanos snapped his fingers and no one could stop him.