Peter: Alright, so Deuteronomy 29. It's a real doozy.
Lois: Oh Peter, what does it say?
Peter: Well Lois, it says that the Lord established a covenant with the people of Israel, that they would be His treasured possession if they obeyed His commands. It also says that they should not make any covenants with other nations or worship other gods.
Brian: Yeah, like you should never reduce yourself to that level of desperation. Just say no to foreign gods!
Stewie: (in a British accent) Yeah, and remember kids, it's not cool to be a copycat!
Peter: That's right Stewie. Anyways, Deuteronomy 29 also talks about how the Lord will hide His face from the people of Israel if they disobey His commands, and the land will become desolate.
Lois: Wow, that sounds serious.
Peter: Oh it is Lois. But don't worry, the Lord also says that He will remember His covenant with them, and will restore them if they repent and turn back to Him.
Brian: Yeah, so don't be a knucklehead and obey the Lord!
Peter: That's right Brian. And if you do, the Lord will be a faithful God and will bless you!