Alex Trebek: Alright, so tell me a bit about yourself.
Contestant: Well, I was reading Deuteronomy 29 and it's about a covenant between God and the people. God promises to be faithful to them and bless them if they keep his commandments, but warns them of consequeces if they don't.
Alex Trebek: Uh, yes, thank you for that. So, what do you like to do for fun?
Contestant: Well, it also talks about how the people should remember all the great things God has done for them, including bringing them out of Egypt, and that they should be grateful for all his blessings.
Alex Trebek: *sighs* Right. What type of music do you like?
Contestant: It also says that the people should not make a treaty with the people of the land, and should not even mention the name of their gods.
Alex Trebek: *sighs again* Look, it's been great hearing about the Bible and all, but could we move on to something else? What sports do you like to watch?