Alex: "So, what have you been up to lately?"
Contestant: "Well, I've been studying the Bible. Specifically, I've been going through the book of Deuteronomy, and I just read Chapter 31. It talks about Moses giving Joshua the charge to lead the Israelites into the promised land and to be strong and courageous. He also tells the Israelites to read and obey the law that God has given them, and to not be afraid, because God will be with them."
Alex (rolling his eyes): "Uh... that's very nice. So, what kind of hobbies do you have?"
Contestant: "Well, I also read the part where Moses writes a song to teach the Israelites about God's mighty deeds and his promise to be with them, no matter what. And then he blesses the people and commissions them to enter the promised land."
Alex (sighing): "That's... great. Do you play any sports?"
Contestant: "Not really, but I do know that at the end of the chapter, Moses entrusts the entire law to the priests and tells the people to be strong and courageous throughout their journey. He also blesses them before he dies."
Alex (firmly): "Right... let's move on to something else. What about movies? What's your favorite kind of movie?"
Contestant: "Oh! Well, before I forget, I should mention that the chapter ends with God telling Moses that he will die when he reaches the top of Mount Nebo, and then Joshua takes over as leader of the Israelites."
Alex (through gritted teeth): "That's... great. Now, movies. What kind of movies do you like?"