Alright, folks, we're gonna wrap up Deuteronomy with a bang! In Deuteronomy 31, Moses is like, "Hey, I'm gonna die soon, so here's what you gotta do: Joshua is gonna be your new leader, and the Lord will be with him. Oh, and here's a song to remind you of all the stuff I told you. It'll be like a jingle!" And then, Moses and Joshua and the elders go to the Tabernacle, and Moses gives Joshua a big pep talk, like, "You can do it! Be strong and brave!" And then, Moses writes down all the words of the Law and gives it to the priests. And then he tells them to read it to the people every seven years during the Feast of Tabernacles. And then, Moses and Joshua bless the people, and Moses ascends the mountain and dies. The end!