"Well folks, Deuteronomy 2, a chapter of the Bible, has been making the rounds and boy, it is a real doozy. I mean, it does what the Bible does best: it's got some smiting, some smote-ing, and even some smit-est-ing. You know, the whole shebang. It's like a smite-o-rama out there!
But if you can look past all the smiting, what you'll find is a tale of a long journey. The Israelites are heading to the promised land, and they've been through a lot, but they're still going strong. It's a real testament to the human spirit.
But the Israelites have to be careful, they have to stay on the right path, because if they don't, things are going to be smite-tastic. So Moses warns them to stay away from the Moabites, the Ammonites, and the Edomites, lest they incur the wrath of the Lord.
So, there you have it folks. Deuteronomy 2: smiting, smote-ing, smit-est-ing, and a cautionary tale of the consequences of straying from the path. Let's hope we all learn from this."