Norm here: Well folks, it's time to update you on what's goin' on in Deuteronomy 30. It's a real wild ride, so buckle up. So, basically, Moses is tellin' the Israelites that if they return to the Lord and obey his commands, then God will bless them and bring them back to the Promised Land. But if they don't, then God will punish them by sending them away from their homeland. Then, he's basically sayin', "Hey, it's not that hard to obey the commands, it's not like it's on the moon or somethin'." Heh. And, if the Israelites turn away from the Lord and worship other gods, God will bring disaster upon them, and they'll be scattered among the nations. But if they turn back to the Lord and obey him, then he'll bring them back to their homeland and bless them. So, basically, it's an either/or kinda deal.