Batman: Robin, this is the thirtyeth chapter of Deuteronomy.
Robin: What does it say, Batman?
Batman: It is a reminder of the covenant between God and the Israelites. He promises that if the people obey His commands, He will bless them. But if they disobey, He will punish them.
Catwoman: But surely not everyone has to obey these commands?
Batman: Of course not, Catwoman. But God promises that if anyone repents and turns back to Him, He will show mercy. He will forgive them and restore them to a right relationship with Him.
Robin: That's really powerful, Batman.
Batman: Yes, it is. The chapter also reminds the Israelites that the commands of God are not too hard for them to obey. They are not hidden, but close to them and easy to understand.
Joker: Ha ha ha! What a joke! It's too hard for anyone to obey all of those commands!
Batman: Not so, Joker. God promises that if the Israelites obey Him, they will be blessed. He will give them long life and all the good things that come with it.
Robin: What a wonderful promise, Batman!