Batman: Robin, it looks like we must turn our attention to Deuteronomy 25!
Robin: Gosh, Batman, what do we find in this chapter?
Batman: The Lord commands that if there is a dispute between two people, the matter should be settled by the elders of the community. And if one of them has done wrong, he should be punished only with the punishment that is deserved.
Robin: But what if the punishment is not enough?
Batman: Then, my faithful sidekick, the Lord commands that the punishment should be doubled.
Catwoman: Ha! I like the sound of that!
Batman: But the Lord also commands that if two men are fighting, they must be stopped, and the one who starts the fight must be punished.
Riddler: What kind of punishment?
Batman: The one who started the fight must be punished with a fine, but the one who was wronged must not be punished at all.
Robin: Wow, that's quite a deal!
Batman: Indeed, Robin. The Lord also commands that if a man dies without any children, his brother should marry his widow and have children with her. That way, the widow will be cared for and the children will have a father.
Joker: What a crazy idea!
Batman: Yes, Joker, but it's the Lord's command. And the Lord also commands that if a man has two wives, he must treat them both equally and love them both the same.
Robin: That's fair!
Batman: Indeed, Robin. And that is what we find in Deuteronomy 25!