Batman: Robin, I'm detecting an ominous aura emanating from Deuteronomy chapter 26.

Robin: What's going on, Batman?

Joker: Ha ha ha! I know what's going on! It's time for the Israelites to pay their tithes and offerings to the Lord.

Batman: That's right, Joker. The people are to bring their first fruits and tithes to the Lord, and make a declaration of their faith.

Catwoman: Oh, and then the priests are supposed to offer a sacrifice of thanksgiving, too!

Riddler: But that's not all! The people are also supposed to remember where they came from and tell the Lord that they are descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

Penguin: And then they're supposed to make a vow to continue to obey the Lord's commandments.

Robin: Wow, that's a lot of stuff!

Batman: Indeed it is, Robin. We must all remember to be faithful to the Lord and keep His commandments.