Ya'll listen up! Deuteronomy 26 is all about the Israelites entering the Promised Land, and the Lord's commands for them to follow. First, when you enter the Promised Land, you gotta give the Lord the first fruits of all your crops. You gotta take that produce, bring it to a priest, and proclaim your identity and faith to him. Then you gotta give a tenth of all your crops to the Lord. And you gotta be thankful for the Lord's goodness. Got it? Good! Now, when you give the Lord a tenth of all your crops, you gotta say, "I've declared the Lord's goodness to the priest and given the Lord a tenth of my crops." Got it? Good! You also gotta make sure that you don't forget where you came from - you gotta remember that you were slaves in Egypt, and the Lord redeemed you. Got it? Good! Lastly, you gotta be sure to obey all the laws and commands that the Lord has given you, and you gotta be thankful to Him. Got it? Alright!