Hear me recruits! Listen up! This is Deuteronomy 14. It's all about how you can make sure you are honoring God. Ye shall not eat any abominable thing. What's that you say? Abominable means disgusting. So don't be munching on any nasty stuff. Ye shall not cut yourselves nor make any baldness between your eyes for the dead. No self-mutilation or shaving your head for the dead! That's real disrespectful. And don't bring an abomination into your house. Not even for a second! Ye shall not eat any unclean thing. Don't eat the animals that don't have a split hoof or don't chew the cud. That's disgusting and disrespectful too. Ye shall give the tithe of your increase. That means you give a tenth of what you make to God. It's a way of honoring Him. And don't forget to eat the tithe in the presence of the Lord. Enjoy the good things God has given you and thank Him for it. That's all for Deuteronomy 14. Have I made myself clear?