Listen up, recruits! This here is Deuteronomy 22, the rules and regulations for y'all to live by. First off, don't mix up your livestock - don't yoke an ox and a donkey together. Keep your clothing gender-specific, no cross-dressing! If you find something lost, you better return it. Don't try to take advantage of a widow or orphan. Don't build a house with different types of wood. Don't plant a garden with different types of plants. Keep your birds and animals separate. Don't have sex with a woman while she's still in her period of mourning. Don't marry a woman and her daughter. Don't have sex with animals. Don't engage in homosexual acts. If a man rapes a woman, he has to pay her father the bride's price and then marry her. Don't take a woman's vow lightly. Don't take a widow's garment as a pledge. That's it, recruits! Now go live by these rules and regulations!