Batman: Robin, we must head to Deuteronomy 19, for we must explore the importance of cities of refuge.
Robin: But why do we need these cities of refuge?
Batman: To provide protection for those who have accidentally killed someone.
Catwoman: Huh, sounds like a good plan. So, what's the catch?
Batman: The catch is that these cities must be at least six miles apart and they must be easily accessible.
Riddler: And what happens if someone doesn't follow these rules?
Batman: If someone doesn't follow these rules, they are subject to the penalty of death and the land must be purged of their evil.
Joker: Ha ha ha! That's quite a penalty!
Batman: Indeed it is, Joker. We must also remember that false witnesses shall not be allowed to testify, for the punishment for such a crime is the same punishment that the false witness would have sought to inflict upon the accused.
Robin: Wow, that's a very stern rule.
Batman: It is indeed, Robin. However, it is a necessary rule to ensure justice is served.