Batman: Robin, the Book of Deuteronomy is coming to a close!
Robin: What did it have to say in Chapter 33, Batman?
Batman: Well, Robin, it began with a blessing from Moses. He blessed each of the tribes and noted how the Lord had been with them each step of the way.
Catwoman: Oh, how sweet! I'm sure it was quite a touching moment.
Batman: Indeed. Then, Moses reminded the people that the Lord was their ruler and protector, and that He would never leave them. He also reminded them of the laws they had to follow and the consequences of breaking them.
Joker: Boring! What else is there?
Batman: Well, Joker, Moses also spoke of the Lord's anger and how it could be unleashed at any moment. He also spoke of the Lord's kindness and how He would always be there to save his people.
Robin: It sounds like Moses was quite a prophet, Batman!
Batman: Yes, Robin, he certainly was. And he concluded the chapter with a blessing for all the people, that they would be a light to the nations and be blessed with peace and prosperity.
Joker: Doesn't sound like there's much for me to do in this chapter, Batman.
Batman: Oh, but there is, Joker. You must remember that the Lord is watching and will always be there to protect His people. So, even if you try to do something wrong, be sure that the Lord will be there to stop you!