Batman: Robin, the people of Israel have reached the end of their journey through the wilderness, and are about to enter the Promised Land.
Robin: Holy Moses, Batman! What does God have in store for them now?
Batman: God is giving the people of Israel a set of laws and regulations to live by. In Chapter 24 of Deuteronomy, God tells them about a variety of laws, including:
Robin: Whoa, Batman, that's a lot of rules! What are some examples?
Batman: Well, Robin, God tells them not to mistreat a servant who has been sold into slavery, that the first fruits of their crops are to be given to the Lord, and not to take a pledge of someone's garment as security for a loan.
Catwoman: Aww, isn't that sweet? I'm just glad God didn't say anything about stealing!
Batman: Of course not, Catwoman. God also commands that the Israelites be generous with their resources, so they should not refuse to lend to the poor.
Robin: Wow, these laws sure sound like good advice for everyone!