Alex: "So, tell me a little bit about yourself. Where are you from originally?"
Contestant: "Well, I'm originally from the Bible. Specifically, Deuteronomy 5."
Alex (sighing): "Oh, here we go again. Okay, what is Deuteronomy 5 about?"
Contestant: "It's all about the Ten Commandments. In this chapter, God reminds the Israelites of the covenant that He had made with them, and He reiterates the Ten Commandments, which are to not have any other gods besides Him, not worship idols, not take His name in vain, keep the Sabbath day holy, honor one's parents, not murder, not commit adultery, not steal, not bear false witness, and not covet."
Alex (sighing again): "Okay, thank you for that. Anything else you want to share about yourself?"
Contestant: "Well, God also instructs the Israelites to teach their children and future generations about the Ten Commandments and to obey them as long as they live in the Promised Land."
Alex (burying his face in his hands): "Of course. Anything else?"
Contestant: "That's it for Deuteronomy 5!"
Alex (in a resigned tone): "Great. Thanks for sharing. Let's move on to something else now, please."