Listen, Jack, here's the deal. We gotta go way back, folks. Deuteronomy 1 is all about the time the people of Israel were headed to the Promised Land. So, Moses is speaking to the people and he's telling them all the malarkey they gotta do to enter the Promised Land and live right. C'mon, man! My father used to say, you always gotta do the right thing, no matter what. Well, Moses is telling the people that they gotta follow the Lord and they gotta be obedient to his laws. Or uh, you know, they won't inherit the Promised Land. Literally. See here, Jack, God is gonna have to give them courage to fight off those who oppose them. What was that? I'm not joking. But the Lord will give them the strength to conquer their enemies. I tell ya what, that's a promise. So, the Lord is gonna lead the people to the Promised Land and they gotta be obedient and follow his commands. Not gonna happen otherwise. Excuse me.