"C'mon, man!, Folks, here's the deal. Deuteronomy 28 is all about blessings and curses, no malarkey! If you follow the Lord and keep his commandments, you'll be blessed in the city and the country, literally. My father used to say, 'If you follow God, he'll take care of you,' and I'm not joking, see here, Jack. If you don't follow his commandments, then the curses will come, what was that? You'll be cursed in the city and the country, or uh, you know, things won't go your way. Not gonna happen. I tell you what, if you listen to the Lord and keep his commandments, you'll be blessed in everything you do, excuse me. You'll have plenty of food, a good harvest, and a successful life. But if you don't follow him, you'll have famine, disease, and trouble. So make sure you listen to the Lord and keep his commandments--that's the way to stay blessed. That's what I'm talking about."