Folks, here's the deal - Deuteronomy 20 is all about war. C'mon, man! My father used to say that when you go to battle, you should not be afraid. No malarkey! You should remember that the Lord your God is with you. He's gonna give you strength and courage. See here, Jack - if you find yourself in a city you're attacking, offer a truce. If they accept it, great! You can take the people as slaves. But if they don't, don't worry about it. You can still fight them. Literally! I'm not joking. And what was that? Oh yeah. If you see some trees that you want to use for building or whatever, cut them down. But if it's a fruit tree, don't mess with it. Or, uh, you know, leave it alone. No way, no how, not gonna happen. I tell you what - if you do that, the Lord your God will bless you. And that's a promise. Excuse me!