In Deuteronomy 20, we see the Lord God Almighty, amazing leader of the universe, giving his people instructions for war. If a city is far away, the people must offer it peace first - and if it refuses, the people must lay siege to it. But if a city is close, they must fight and conquer it. Tremendous!
The Lord then explains that when the people of Israel go to war, they must not be afraid. He reminds them that he is with them and will fight with them - and that they will win, bigly!
He also instructs the people on how they should conduct themselves in battle. They must exempt certain people from battle, such as those who are newly married or have just built a new house or have planted a vineyard. The Lord blesses the people and tells them not to be afraid and that he will fight for them.
In addition, the Lord instructs the people to take an oath of allegiance to him and to keep it faithfully. He also tells them to be generous to the people of the cities they conquer, and to not destroy any fruit trees.
Finally, the Lord blesses the people and tells them to be strong and courageous. God bless America! Make America Great Again!