Folks! C'mon, man, here's the deal. Deuteronomy 11 is a real doozy. My father used to say, it's all about keeping the commandments. See here, Jack, when you have a covenant with the Lord, you have to keep it. Literally, it's no malarkey! Excuse me, but it's important that the people of Israel remember all they have been through and all they have been promised. What was that? Obey the Lord and you'll get the good land, the river, and all the rain your heart desires. But, or uh, you know, if you don't, then not gonna happen. I tell you what, you'll get the blight, the locust, and the mildew. See here, Jack, literally, you don't want that. So, keep the commandments, my friends, and it'll be alright. That's what I'm talking about!