Batman: "Gotham is in danger! The citizens of the city need to be warned about the danger of neglecting salvation through faith in Jesus. We must spread the word of God!"
Robin: "You're right, Batman! The Writer of Hebrews is doing just that in Chapter 2. He's reminding us that Jesus shared in our humanity so that He could help us in our time of need."
Catwoman: "Oh, please! Don't you two ever take a break? Nobody needs saving, especially not from a human being!"
Batman: "Silence, Catwoman! The Writer of Hebrews is making it clear that Jesus was made lower than the angels for a little while so that He could rescue us from the power of death. He had to suffer and die so that He could save us from our sins."
Robin: "And so, with one act of selfless obedience, Jesus became the source of eternal salvation for everyone who has faith in Him!"