Folks, here's the deal. Daniel 6 is a story about a man called Daniel who was a big deal in the king's court. Now, they said Daniel couldn't pray to his God, but did he listen? No malarkey! Daniel kept prayin' and the king got real mad. So he set up a law with a death penalty if anyone disobeyed. C'mon, man! Daniel just kept prayin' and the king was like "What was that?!" He threw Daniel into a den of lions and you know what? He survived! Literally! My father used to say, "You can't keep a good man down". See here, Jack, he was unscathed, not a single tooth-mark. He was so brave and so strong. I'm not joking, this was hundreds of years ago! Then the king was like, "Oh no, there's no way I'm gonna let this man die. Not gonna happen." So he pulled him out of the den and made him even more powerful than before. I tell you what, Daniel was a real hero. Excuse me, folks, I'm getting a little emotional.