Peter: Alright, so the chapter starts off with this Darius guy and he's like, "Hey I'm makin' me a new kingdom, and I'm gonna appoint 120 princes to help me run this joint".

Lois: Then he goes ahead and appoints three presidents, one of which is Daniel, and he gives him more authority than the other two.

Stewie: That's so unfair!

Brian: Yeah, but then the other two presidents and the princes get jealous of Daniel, so they make a scheme to have him thrown in a den of lions.

Peter: So they make a royal decree that no one should pray to anyone except Darius.

Lois: But Daniel is like, "Nah, I'm gonna keep prayin' no matter what" and so they throw him into the lion's den.

Stewie: But then there's this big miracle and the lions don't eat him! Crazy!

Brian: Yeah, so Darius is like, "Holy crap, this guy is special! Let's get him outta there!", and he gets Daniel out and puts those jealous dudes in their place.

Peter: Then Darius makes another decree that everyone should worship the God of Daniel.

Lois: And that's the end.

Stewie: Wait, did I miss the part where they go to the mall and get ice cream?

Brian: No, Stewie. That wasn't in the Bible.