Peter: Alright, so in Daniel 2, King Nebuchadnezzar had this really weird dream that he couldn't understand, and none of his wise men could interpret it!
Brian: Wow, that's a real mystery.
Stewie: "The mystery of the missing dream! It's a real head-scratcher!"
Peter: Right, so the king gets mad and orders his wise men to be executed. But Daniel steps in and asks for a bit of time to interpret the dream, and then goes to God for the answer.
Brian: Well, it's pretty amazing that God answered him.
Stewie: "Yeah, that's like when God gave Moses the answer to the riddle in The Ten Commandments. Talk about a 'commandment performance'!"
Peter: Yeah, so Daniel interprets the dream and tells the King that it's a prophecy of four great world empires. The King then honors Daniel and gives him lots of gifts, and makes him the ruler of Babylon.
Brian: So, it was a happy ending.
Stewie: "Yeah, just like that episode of Friends where Monica and Chandler got married. It was a real 'happy ending'!"