Lois: Alright, let's see here...Daniel 12.

Peter: Oh yeah, I love this chapter! It's about Daniel's vision of the end times, right?

Brian: That's right, Peter. In this chapter, an angel appears to Daniel and tells him that the end of days is coming soon. He also says that the wise will understand the times and the wicked will be destroyed.

Lois: And then the angel gives Daniel a message that the dead will rise and the books of heaven will be opened. He also says that many will be purified and made white, and the wicked will be judged.

Peter: Wow, that's intense. Sounds like a lot of people are gonna get what's coming to them!

Brian: Yeah, and then the angel tells Daniel to seal up the vision and prophecy. He also says that it won't be understood until the time of the end.

Lois: Interesting. So, what else happens?

Peter: Well, the angel tells Daniel that the knowledge and understanding of the vision will be increased during the time of the end. And then it says that the wicked will be judged, and the righteous will shine like the stars forever.

Brian: And that's it! That's the end of Daniel 12.

Lois: Well, it sounds like there's gonna be a lot of judgement going on in the end times.

Peter: Yeah, better not cross Lois Griffin!