Peter (as Hosea): Alright God, what do you want me to do?

God: I want you to marry a prostitute, Hosea.

Peter (as Hosea): Whoa, you sure about that?

God: Yes, I am. Her name is Gomer and she will be an illustration of my people who have broken their covenant and turned away from me.

Peter (as Hosea): Alright, so I'm basically getting married for a metaphor?

God: Yes, and you will have three children: Lo-ruhamah, Lo-ammi, and Jezreel.

Peter (as Hosea): Wait, I get to have kids?

God: Yes, and their names will be a reminder to my people that I still love them, despite their unfaithfulness.

Peter (as Hosea): Alright, well I guess I'll do it.

God: Good. I know that you will be faithful to me, even if my people are not.