Lois (narrating): So, family, Hosea chapter nine.
Peter: Ooh, what's it about?
Lois: Well, it starts off talking about the punishment God is giving his people because of their sins.
Stewie: (interrupting) Like how if you lie, you get a timeout?
Lois: Not exactly, Stewie. It's more of a spiritual punishment, a kind of separation from God.
Peter: Ah, I get it. Kind of like how if you don't watch your favorite show, you get separated from your remote for a few days.
Lois: Sure, I guess. So, then it talks about how the people should have repented and sought God, but they ended up going to other gods and idols instead.
Brian: Wow, that's sort of like if you have a choice between getting the latest iPhone or a flip phone, and you choose the flip phone - God's not going to be very pleased.
Lois: (sighs) Right. So then it talks about how God is going to judge the people for their sins, and how they will be scattered and their land will be desolate.
Stewie: You know, like when The Simpsons go on vacation and their house is all boarded up?
Lois: Sure, kind of like that. The chapter ends with a reminder that God will never forget his people, even if they have forgotten him.
Peter: So, kind of like when you forget to watch a new episode of Game of Thrones, but then you remember at the last minute and catch up?
Lois: (rolls her eyes) Sure, why not.