Peter: Alright, so in Hosea 7, God's mad at Israel for their sins and tells them it's their own fault they're in this mess.

Lois: That's harsh!

Brian: Yeah, but then it gets worse. God says the people of Israel are like an oven that's been heated up by a baker, but the bread still isn't done.

Stewie: Kinda like when you put a frozen pizza into the oven and it's still cold in the middle after 30 minutes!

Peter: Yeah, that's a good one! Anyway, God says Israel is like that oven, they've been heated up and they're still not done. They still haven't repented and God's getting angry.

Lois: Wow, that's rough.

Stewie: Yeah, and then God says, "All their evil-doing is like the morning mist, like the early dew that disappears." It's like when you wake up in the morning and the dew is gone by the afternoon.

Brian: Yeah, it's all gone very quickly!

Peter: Right, and then God says the people of Israel are like a silly dove with no sense. They flutter around and they don't know what they're doing.

Lois: That's kind of like when Peter doesn't know what he's doing and he just flaps his arms around like a bird!

Peter: Hey, I'm not that bad!

Stewie: Yeah, you're like a silly dove, Peter!

Peter: Alright, alright. So, God says the people of Israel don't know what they're doing, and they're going to suffer for it.