Lois: Alright, here we go. Hosea 10. Peter: Yeah, this one's a real doozy. Quagmire: Oh my God! It's like Israel got into the car with a drunk driver and forgot to buckle up!
Cleveland: That's a terrible analogy, Quagmire. Anyway, Hosea 10 talks about how the people of Israel have made a mess out of their country by worshipping false gods. Joe: Yeah, and it's like, you don't want to be the guy who brings a knife to a gunfight, you know?
Lois: I think that's enough pop culture references, Joe. Joe: You're right, Lois. So, like I was saying, Hosea 10 talks about how the people of Israel have strayed away from God and are suffering the consequences. Peter: Yeah, and they're not being smart about it either. It's like when I tried to paint my house with a can of corn.
Lois: Peter, that's not even remotely helpful! Anyway, Hosea 10 is a warning to the people of Israel that they should stop worshipping other gods and turn back to the Lord. Quagmire: Yea, or else they'll have to face the music. Like when I tried to sing the national anthem at the baseball game.