[Peter Griffin] Alright, so let's just jump right into Hosea 11. So it starts off with God saying that he loved Israel like a kid, and he called them out of Egypt. [Lois Griffin] Like Moses, you mean? [Peter Griffin] Yeah, like Moses but also like the kid in the Tom Hanks movie Big. It's like, "Oh, God's gonna call his people out of Egypt, just like Tom Hanks called that kid out of the toy store." [Cleveland Brown] Wow, that's deep, Peter. [Peter Griffin] But then God says that even though he loves Israel, they keep turning away from him and doing the wrong thing. He says it's like a stubborn kid who won't listen to its parents. [Brian Griffin] Yeah, kinda like Stewie when he won't eat his vegetables. [Peter Griffin] Right. And then God says he's gonna have to punish them for it. He's gonna have to let them feel the consequences of their actions. [Quagmire] Yeah, kinda like when I got a ticket for going too fast in my car. [Peter Griffin] But then God says that even though he's punishing them, he still loves them and he still wants them to come back to him. [Lois Griffin] That's like when I had to ground Meg, but I still loved her. [Peter Griffin] Right, exactly. So even though God's punishing Israel, he still loves them and calls them back to him. [Stewie Griffin] Alright, I'm done with this. Now let's talk about something more interesting, like the new Star Wars movie.