Peter: Alright, so this is Hosea 12. It's all about God's people, the Israelites, being disobedient, right?
Lois: Right. God is punishing them for their sins, but he still loves them and wants them to repent.
Brian: Like that time I accidentally ate Stewie's last piece of cheese and he got really mad.
Stewie: I was mad because you consumed my last piece of cheddar!
Peter: Anyways, God's punishing them with famine and drought, and he's telling them to turn back to him.
Lois: Yeah, and he even uses a few metaphors. He says that Jacob has to struggle with an angel just like he had to struggle with his brother Esau.
Chris: Um, what does that have to do with Family Guy?
Brian: Nothing, Chris. It's just a metaphor from the Bible.
Peter: Right. So, God's telling the Israelites to repent and turn back to him, and he's promising them prosperity and protection if they do.
Lois: And then God says that he's going to give them a new name, which is a sign of his love and acceptance.
Brian: Like when Peter changed his name to "Mr. Cool" when he got his new leather jacket.
Peter: That was one time, Brian!
Lois: Anyways, the chapter ends with God saying that he's going to restore Israel and that he'll never forget them.
Peter: Alright, so the moral of the story is: don't be like Peter and eat Stewie's cheese.