Batman: Ah, Hosea Chapter 12. The Lord had often reproached the Israelites for their sins and false gods.

Robin: How right you are, Batman! The Lord calls out the Israelites for their idolatry, lack of faith, and lack of love for God.

Joker: Oh, what a bore! Can't you guys talk about something more interesting?

Batman: Joker, we are discussing the Bible, so I suggest you keep quiet! In Hosea 12, the Lord expresses His displeasure with the Israelites and promises them punishment if they do not repent.

Robin: He then calls on the Israelites to return to Him and promises them a reward if they do.

Catwoman: Sounds like the Lord is quite a pushover!

Batman: Not at all, Catwoman. He is a just and merciful God, and He wants the best for His people. He promises them abundant blessings if they turn back to Him.