Batman: Robin, the chapter of Hosea 6 is a call for repentance.

Robin: Repentance! Isn't that when people turn away from their wicked ways and make a change for the better?

Joker: Ha ha ha! How quaint! I thought we were talking about the Bible, not a preschool morality lesson!

Batman: The Lord told Hosea to call for repentance, and if the people did not turn from their wickedness, then they would suffer the consequences.

Catwoman: Ugh, that's so boring. Why can't the Lord just give them a hug and a kiss and forgive them?

Batman: Because the Lord is a just God, Catwoman. He requires repentance and obedience to His commands.

Riddler: If the people repent, then what? Will they be rewarded?

Robin: Yes! The Lord promised that if the people returned to Him and obeyed His commands, then He would restore their fortunes and bless them with abundance.