Peter: Alright, everyone, let's get started on Hosea 5!

Lois: Oh geez, Peter, this is gonna be a doozy!

Brian: Yeah, Hosea was a real prophet!

Stewie: Pffft, prophets? What are they going to do, predict that our next president will be a reality show star?

Cleveland: That already happened, Stewie.

Peter: Anyways, Hosea 5 is about how the people of Israel are in deep trouble with God because of their sins. And God is going to punish them.

Lois: So the people are in trouble with God, just like when I'm in trouble with Lois!

Brian: Yeah, but being in trouble with God is way worse than being in trouble with Lois.

Stewie: I mean, it's not like God is gonna ground us!

Cleveland: Except, Peter, I think that's exactly what God is gonna do.

Peter: Yup. God is going to punish the people of Israel for their sins. He's gonna put them in a corner and make them think about what they've done.

Lois: Wow, that's harsh.

Brian: But I guess you have to have tough love sometimes.

Stewie: Yeah, like when I watch a Marvel movie and Tony Stark dies!

Cleveland: That's a pretty good analogy, Stewie.