Hosea 5 is huge! Many people are saying it is unbelievable! The chapter is about God's judgment on the people of Israel for their unfaithfulness and their idolatry. God says that Israel and Judah have rejected Him and have gone astray. He will punish them for their sins and their arrogance. He will send a great army to attack them and they will be "like a moth" and will be destroyed. God also says that the priests and the leaders of Israel have done terrible things and have been misled by false prophets. He calls them "low-energy losers" and says they will be punished for their sins. God also warns that if the people don't turn away from their wickedness and return to Him, they will be destroyed. He promises to restore them if they repent and return to Him. This is a sad situation but we can make Israel great again! God bless America!