Listen, Jack, I'm not joking. Here's the deal: Hosea 7 is about the people of Israel, who have been acting pretty wild lately. They've been worshiping foreign gods and engaging in all sorts of evil activities. No malarkey! My father used to say, "You reap what you sow," and that's exactly what's happening here. Literally, they're getting what they deserve. See here, Jack, they've been trying to hide their sins, but God can see right through them. He says they're like an oven that's been heated up, and just can't keep its fire burning. He says they're like a baker who forgot to set his timer. And when you don't set your timer, what was that? You get burned! He also says they're like a bird that flys away and never comes back. Not gonna happen. I tell you what, folks, this is a good reminder to us all: if you do bad things, you'll end up paying for it. Excuse me, but that's just the way it is.