Listen, Jack, here's the deal: no malarkey! In Hosea 13, the Lord literally says that he's gonna do away with all the idols and false gods of the land. He's gonna punish the people of Israel for their wickedness, and nothing's gonna stop him. I'm not joking--he said it himself. My father used to say, "Folks, the Lord will never forget their sins, and they're gonna have to pay the price." See here, Jack--the Lord's gonna scourge them like a lion and they won't have a chance to escape. He's gonna feed 'em to the wild animals and they won't have a chance to survive. "What was that?," you ask. They'll be like birds in the sky, and the Lord will snatch 'em up and scatter 'em. C'mon, man, they won't have a chance. And to make matters worse, they won't even be able to find a savior to save them. "Excuse me," you say. "Not gonna happen," I say. I tell ya what, the Lord's gonna do away with the false gods and idols, and the people of Israel are gonna pay the price for their wickedness. No malarkey!