Alex: "So, tell me a little bit about yourself! What do you do for fun?"
Contestant: "Well, I like to read the Bible. I'm actually summarizing it chapter by chapter. Right now I'm on Hosea 9."
Alex: [sighs] "Uh, okay. So, what does Hosea 9 say?"
Contestant: "Well, it starts off with God saying that Israel has gone astray and has been unfaithful to Him. He says that they have been like a wild donkey, running away from Him. He also warns them that because of their disobedience, they will be exiled from their land and have to wander in foreign lands. He then tells them that because of their sins, their joy will be taken away and their celebrations will turn to mourning. Finally, God says that even when they are exiled, He still loves them and will never forget them."
Alex: [tries to change the subject] "So, what else do you like to do in your free time?"
Contestant: "Well, I also like to summarize the Bible. I'm currently on Hosea 10!"