Peter: Alright, so Daniel Chapter 1. This is the one with all the Babylonian stuff, right?

Brian: Right. So basically, King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon conquered Judah and took some of the best young men from the royal family to be trained for service in his court.

Lois: And one of them was Daniel!

Stewie: He was like the king of the Babylonian court, only with a much better wardrobe.

Chris: Yeah, but then he refused to eat the king's food, so he and his buddies had to come up with a plan.

Peter: Oh, yeah, they all ate vegetables and water instead!

Brian: Yeah, and it worked! After 10 days, they were healthier than the other guys.

Lois: And the king was so impressed that he put Daniel and his buddies in charge of all the other wise men in the court.

Stewie: #Winning!

Chris: Yeah, and God blessed Daniel and his friends so they knew more and were wiser than anyone else.

Peter: So, what did they do with all their knowledge and power?

Brian: Well, they served the king faithfully and were rewarded for their wisdom and faithfulness.