Batman: Alright Robin, it's time to head to the library and learn about the events in Daniel Chapter 2!
Robin: Right, Batman! What are we looking for?
Batman: In this chapter, King Nebuchadnezzar has a dream he can't remember. He wants Daniel to interpret the dream for him.
Catwoman: Ah, a problem only the Boy Wonder can solve!
Robin: Hey! I can help too!
Batman: Of course you can, Robin! So Daniel prays to God for help and then God reveals the dream to him. Daniel then interprets the dream for the king and tells him that it's a warning about four world kingdoms that will someday come.
Riddler: What an intriguing dream!
Batman: Indeed it is, Riddler. As a reward, Daniel is made the highest ruler in the kingdom.
Penguin: And then they all lived happily ever after! Ha ha!
Batman: Not quite, Penguin. But Daniel is now in a position to continue his mission of telling the people about God's great works.
Robin: A noble mission indeed, Batman!