Well, folks, it's been another wild chapter in the Bible. This time, we've got Daniel 6. So, King Darius decides to set up some new rules that are pretty terrible for Daniel. But, of course, Daniel faithfully follows the Lord, so he's not following the new rule. And, get this, the King gets mad about it and throws Daniel into a lion's den! Now, Daniel is totally safe in there, because God sends an angel to protect him from the lions. So, the King is all relieved, and Daniel gets out of the lion's den and is saved. And then, King Darius realizes that Daniel was right all along, and all of Daniel's enemies get thrown into the lion's den, and that's the end of that. But, I just have one question - why would you make a rule that was so terrible that you'd have to throw someone into a lion's den if they didn't follow it? I mean, come on.