Joe: Alright, so what can you tell us about Daniel 6?
Bible Expert: Daniel 6 is the story of King Darius of Babylon who appointed Daniel to be a ruler over the whole kingdom, and the other rulers and governors were jealous of Daniel, so they plotted to have him arrested and thrown into the lion's den.
Joe: Woah, woah, woah, that's intense! So what happened?
Bible Expert: Well, King Darius was tricked into signing a law that said that anyone who prayed to any god or man except the king would be thrown into the lion's den. And Daniel was thrown into the lion's den, but he emerged unscathed, because an angel had closed the mouths of the lions.
Joe: That's incredible! What happened to the jealous rulers?
Bible Expert: King Darius was so impressed by Daniel's faith that he had the jealous rulers thrown into the lion's den instead. They were all killed by the lions.
Joe: Wow, that's justice! So what else happened?
Bible Expert: King Darius declared that the God of Daniel was the true God, and he ordered that everyone in the kingdom should fear and revere Him. The chapter ends with Daniel being greatly prosperous and honored throughout the kingdom.