Joe: Alright, so we have Bible expert Dave here and he's gonna give us a summary of Daniel 7. Dave, take it away!
Dave: Sure! So Daniel 7 is the final chapter of the book and it's all about a dream that Daniel has. In the dream he sees four beasts representing four kingdoms - a lion with eagles' wings, a bear, a leopard with four heads, and a ten-horned beast. He also sees a court in heaven with the Ancient of Days sitting on the throne and one like a son of man approaching the throne.
Joe: Woah, that's intense! What does it all mean?
Dave: Well, according to the interpretation from an angel, it's a prophecy of four successive empires that will rule over the world. The first one is the Babylonian Empire, the second is the Medo-Persian Empire, the third is the Greek Empire, and then the fourth is the Roman Empire. The court in heaven is God's court where His justice is determined and the Son of Man is Jesus Christ, who will ultimately have dominion over all the kingdoms of the world.
Joe: So Jesus is the ultimate ruler?
Dave: Yes, that's right.
Joe: Interesting. So what else happens in the chapter?
Dave: Well, the fourth beast is thrown into a lake of fire and then the Ancient of Days gives the authority, glory, and kingdom to the Son of Man. So it's a prophecy of Jesus's eventual victory over all the kingdoms of the world.
Joe: Wow, that's powerful. Alright, I think that about wraps it up for Daniel 7. Thanks for joining us, Dave!