Hey, everybody, Norm MacDonald here with a recap of Daniel 3. So, the King of Babylon has set up a golden idol and is demanding that everyone bow down and worship it, but three of Daniel's friends — Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego — refuse. So the King has them thrown into a furnace that's been heated to like, a billion degrees, but then something amazing happens: Instead of burning up, they're unharmed! I mean, the King sees four guys in the furnace and only three went in! Talk about a miracle. Then the King realizes that God is real, and he and his army fall down and worship the God of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. Oh, and the King also promotes them to some high-ranking positions, so that's nice too. That's the story of Daniel 3, folks. I'm Norm MacDonald, and you're welcome.