Listen, Jack, here's the deal: Daniel had a vision. He was trying to figure out when the end of captivity for his people was gonna come and he was told it was gonna be seventy years. C'mon, man! Seventy years! That's a long time! My father used to say, 'Seventy years is an eternity.' Well, Daniel was literally going crazy trying to figure it all out, when, who should show up? Gabriel, the angel! See here, Jack - Gabriel came to Daniel and he said, 'Look, Daniel, all the things that were foretold - they are gonna happen and it's gonna be a long time before the people can go free.' What was that? Then Gabriel told Daniel, 'It's gonna take seventy weeks and then your people will be free.' Or uh, you know, Daniel was like, 'What do you mean, seventy weeks? That's not seventy years!' But Gabriel said, 'No malarkey, Daniel. This is the deal. Seventy weeks and then you're outta here.' I tell you what, Daniel was so relieved - literally, he was jumping for joy! But then Gabriel said, 'Not gonna happen, Daniel. You're gonna have to wait.' Excuse me? Daniel was like, 'Wait for what?' And Gabriel said, 'Wait for the Anointed One.' So, folks, I think you know what happened next. Daniel waited and waited, and then the Anointed One came!