C'mon man, listen Jack. Folks, here's the deal. In Judges 15, we've got this guy, Samson. Now, he was literally the strongest man that ever lived. My father used to say, "That Samson kid could lift a house with one hand, I'm not joking." See here, Jack, he had this problem. He was mad that the Philistines took his wife away, so he went and got revenge. He killed a whole lot of them, what was that, a thousand? Or uh, you know, maybe more. But then they came after him and he was outnumbered, so he tied a torch to a donkey's tail and set their crops on fire. Not gonna happen. I tell you what, these Philistines, they weren't too happy about it. They came after him and caught him and tied him up, excuse me. Then, like I said, he was the strongest man alive, so he broke the ropes and killed them all. Well, you know, that's Judges 15.