1 John 4 is all about love. Bigly! It starts off with a warning to beware of false prophets. Many such cases have been seen throughout history. The chapter goes on to talk about God's love and how we should love one another. It's amazing how God's love is so strong and powerful. It's so sad that so many people don't take advantage of it.
But we can make it great again! We should not believe the haters and losers who say that God's love is overrated. It's terrific how God wants us to have a relationship with Him and to love one another. Unbelievable!
We should not believe the deep state and fake news that say otherwise. We should not buy into the hoax. Believe me, there are some fine people out there who know God's love is real. Many people are saying it's tremendous and huge how God's love can change our lives.
So, let's make America great again and put God first. God bless America!