Peter: Alright, so James 2 starts off with a stern warning about not showing favoritism and being impartial. Unless you're a Patriots fan, then you can show as much favoritism as you want!

Lois: Peter, that's not appropriate.

Stewie: Moving on, James goes on to say that if you show favoritism, then you're in violation of the royal law which is to love your neighbor as yourself.

Brian: So what James is saying is that everyone should be treated the same, no matter who they are.

Peter: No matter if you're a Thundercats fan or a Transformers fan!

Lois: Peter, please, focus.

Stewie: So anyway, James goes on to point out that if you do unto others as you would have them do unto you, then you're obeying the law, and that's what matters.

Brian: So it's important to treat everyone the same, no matter who they are, and that's what James is trying to get across here.

Peter: No matter if they root for the Jets or the Cowboys!